At-Home Nursing Services Vs. Assisted Living: Are There Differences?

Posted on: 11 December 2017

These days you hear a lot about in-home or at-home nursing services and healthcare. There are also assisted living services provided in the comfort of a client's home. What exactly are the differences, if any? The following information will clarify things for you. Assisted Living at Home Assisted living in a client's home are services provided for clients that are still able to do a lot for themselves, but may need a little extra help here and there, or just need some company.
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Different Kinds Of In-Home Care Typically Not Provided By Medical Insurance

Posted on: 7 September 2017

Medical insurance will often cover in-home care if you have had a major surgery or if you suffer from a debilitating condition that keeps you in bed or in a wheelchair. However, it is very rare to cover other in-home healthcare needs. As such, you may have to pay for the following types of in-home care out of your own pocket. Support for Special-Needs Children Special-needs children, regardless of their mobility and cognitive functioning levels, are not supported at home by visiting nurses.
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2 Tips For Succeeding As A Home Health Care Worker

Posted on: 5 September 2017

Succeeding as a new worker in the home health care field can be a daunting task. It requires you to know not only how to take care of your patients, but how to work in a more independently driven environment where you work one on one with patients without a lot of oversight. Here are two tips that will help you succeed as a new home healthcare worker: #1 Be Respectful Of Your Client
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Changing Elements That Your Home Health Aide Can Reassess

Posted on: 29 August 2017

A home health aide whom you hire to care for your elderly parent will assess the parent's needs, discuss them with you, and formulate a plan together. Over time, however, these needs can change dramatically—perhaps not to the point that you need to begin thinking about moving your parent into a care home, but to the point that changes to the in-home care plan will be necessary. It's possible that you could miss some of these changes, especially if your parent isn't living with you.
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