When Is Hospice Care Beneficial?

Posted on: 16 February 2023


Making the decision to transition into hospice care is an emotional, challenging process. If you're wondering whether or not it's time to start considering hospice for your loved one, there are a few things that you should consider. Here are some of the most common indications that it is a good time to start planning for hospice services.

Is your loved one forgoing further treatment?

If it has come to a point where medical treatment is no longer helping or your loved one has decided that they no longer wish to pursue it, that's an indication that it's time to consider hospice care. Hospice care services can provide supportive care to help your loved one stay comfortable and navigate their days in the face of any symptoms and challenges.

Have your loved one's symptoms worsened?

If, despite treatment, your loved one is experiencing more significant symptoms and those symptoms are becoming harder to manage, you should consider investing in hospice care to help provide supportive care resources and symptom management services.

Does your loved one need more care and support than before?

Sometimes, terminal conditions such as dementia and cancer lead to progressively worsening overall conditions. This leads to increased support needs and more extensive care required to manage their symptoms and condition. Hospice care services can adapt to those changing needs and provide the additional support necessary as your family member's condition progresses, easing the additional demand on your time and resources.

Has your loved one started sleeping more?

Changing sleep habits, especially if they lead to increased sleeping hours, are an indication that your loved one is struggling with their condition, symptoms, and daily care. Hospice care services can help with encouragement, motivation, and engagement. With the assistance of hospice care workers, your loved one will have someone to visit and socialize with while getting the care and treatment that they need, keeping them more active and engaged every day.

Are you unable to provide everything your loved one needs?

If your loved one's care needs have surpassed what you are able to do with your own schedule, life demands, or physical limitations, a hospice care worker can offer the support that you need. That way, you get the support that you need with the peace of mind that your family member is getting the care and treatment that they need even when you can't be there.

The more you understand about the times when hospice care is beneficial, the easier it is for you to decide when it is the right choice for a family member in your care. For more information on elderly hospice care, contact a professional near you.